Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Thinking of You

On Sunday I was in the country and I saw 2 Missouri Bluebirds.  Immediately I thought us making our bluebird projects when we made our Me on the Map books.  Later that day we realized that the 2 birds had a nest in a hanging basket.  We peeked in there and saw 2 little blue bird eggs in their nest.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The best thing that happened today....

...was that I read Luke's KidBlog post and found out about the fun things he did on his vacation and about the book he is reading right now.
Log in and you can find out, too.  
Then, you can blog about what you've been doing or reading. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

HAPPY Summer!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Matter Vocabulary Cards

What is your favorite poem that we shared in our purple poetry notebooks this year?

Jelina:  Who Has Seen the Wind
Blake:  Frog Hops
Klay:  Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Kira:  The Skip Counting Song
Lilly:  Bubble Gum Yum
Savanah:  I Love the Sound
Aurora:  It is August
Luke: The Litter Monster
Charlie:  What the Robin Told the Wind
Gabby:  My Friend the Snowball
Dillon:  Candy
Hannah B. :  The Last Days of School

The Purple Poetry Notebooks are coming home tonight.  Please save and read them together.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Book Fair

If you decide to send money for the Book Fair please be sure to send it in an envelope labeled with your child's first and last name. 

I can use a hundred chart as a tool to count coins.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Whisper Phones

Listen to yourself reading.  Does it sound smooth? Does your voice get lower and slower or faster and
higher depending on the feelings related to the story?